Programmes with national accreditation (RVOE) by secretary of public education in mexico
The term „Universidad“ is a legally protected name and reserved for those postsecondary institutions of higher education, offering at least five officially recognised Licenciado (Bologna system Master-level) or postgraduate degree programmes, in at least three study areas, including arts (humanities).
According to the Mexican Higher Education laws Universidad Azteca is authorized to award degrees with RVOE and own academic and professional higher degrees of the university (grados propios).
ES: Acuerdo de Registro de Establecimiento Educativo, 9 de abril de 1999, No. 15-00084: inscribase en la Sección Primera del Libro 71-VIII de Instituciones Educativas, a foja 129, como una Institución Particular con Reconocimiento de Validez Oficial de estudios otorgado por la Direccion General de Educación Superior de la Subsecretaría de Educación Superior e Investigación Cientifica de la SEP.
EN: Official notification of the Registry of Educational Establishments, 9 April 1999, No. 15-00084: registered in the first section of the Book 71-VIII of Educational Institutions, on page 129, as a Private Institution with Recognition of the Official Validity of Studies, awarded by the General Directorate of Higher Education of the Sub-Secretary of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Secretary of Public Education SEP.
DE: Offizielle Verlautbarung des Registers der Bildungs-Institutionen, 9. April 1999, Nr. 15-00084: eingetragen im ersten Abschnitt des Buches 71-VIII der Bildungs-Institutionen, auf Seite 129, als eine Private Bildungseinrichtung mit Anerkennung der Offiziellen Validität von Studien, ausgestellt von der Generaldirektion für Höhere Bildung des Staatssekretariats für Höhere Bildung und Wissenschaftliche Forschung des Ministeriums für Öffentliche Bildung SEP.
ES: Dictamen de Registro de Establecimiento Educativo, 9 de abril de 1999: que la Institución Educativa cuenta con autorización para impartir estudios de tipo Superior; que el Plantel Educativo SÍ podrá expedir titulos y grados de conformidad a lo establecido en el artículo 60 de la Ley General de Educación y 18 de la Ley para la Coordinación de Educación Superior.
EN: Decree of the Registry of Educational Establishments, 9 April 1999, No. 15-00084: that the Educational Institution has an authorization to conduct studies of the type “Superior”; that the Educational Centre can award titles and degrees in conformity with those established in Article 60 of the General Law of Education and 18 of the Law for the Coordination of Higher Education.
DE: Bescheid des Registers der Bildungs-Institutionen, 9. April 1999, Nr. 15-00084: dass die Bildungs-Institution autorisiert ist, Studien des Typs “Tertiär” durchzuführen; dass die Bildungseinrichtung Titel und akademische Grade in Übereinstimmung mit jenen verleihen kann, die gemäß Art. 60 des Allgemeinen Gesetzes über die Bildung und 18 des Gesetzes über die Koordination der Höheren Bildung vorgesehen sind.
Universidad Azteca is recognised by the Federal Secretary of Public Education (SEP) of the United States of Mexico. The university is a private, non-profit institution independent of and not related to any political party or religious group.
Universidad Azteca is officially recognised with Reconocimiento de Validez Oficial de Estudios (RVOE) to award graduate and postgraduate degrees in the following study areas:
• International Commerce
• Business Administration
• Information Systems and Data Processing (IT)
• Law
• Psychology (including NLP, Coaching)
• (Public) Accounting (including Financial Management)
• Educational Science
• Pedagogics
• Architecture
Legal notice concerning universidad azteca grado propios
Lunes 13 de noviembre de 2017 diario oficial (tercera sección)
Poder ejecutivo secretaria de educacion publica
Acuerdo número 17/11/17 por el que se establecen los trámites y procedimientos relacionados con el reconocimiento de validez oficial de estudios del tipo superior.
Artículo 42.-
Los particulares que impartan estudios del tipo superior sin rvoe deberán mencionarlo en la totalidad de la documentación que expidan y en la publicidad que hagan por cualquier medio impreso o electrónico, par a cuyo efecto deberán utilizar, en forma textual, la leyenda siguiente: “estudios sin reconocimiento de validez oficial”
Los estudios realizados en dichas instituciones no son reconocidos por la autoridad educativa federal, por lo que bajo ninguna circunstancia podrán ser objeto de validez oficial.
El tipo y tamaño de letra que se utilice en dicha leyenda, deberá ser igual al texto de mayor tamaño que el particular utilice en la propia documentación o publicidad, que haga por cualquier medio, según corresponda.
Grado propio programmes
Título propio or Grado propio or University-own degree programmes are a common academic and professional offer of numerous universities worldwide and are based on the respective applicable study laws. They are regulated in Austria as “Universitätslehrgänge”, “Fachhochschullehrgänge”, “Hochschullehrgänge”, in Italy, Spain (Arto. 34 Ley Organica de Universidades) and France they are known as “own degrees”, to name but a few.
The Mexican Constitution and the General Law of Education (Ley General de Educación) allow a private Institution of Higher Education (IES particular) to offer programmes with RVOE, Reconocimiento de Validez Oficial de Estudios or Official Recognition of the Validity of Studies, which is a programmatic accreditation, and also entitling recognised private universities to offer programmes and award degrees without programmatic accreditation in accordance with Article 59 of the General Law of Education.
The regulatory authority SEP has confirmed to the Rector of Universidad Azteca, that Universidad Azteca is entitled to offer national and international programmes without RVOE and award university own degrees, however, students need to be made fully aware of this circumstance:
En este orden de ideas, se desprende lo siguiente:
Que no existe impedimento legal alguno para que la Universidad Azteca referida, pueda impartir estudios de tipo superior sin reconocimiento de validez oficial, y los Títulos, Diplomas o Grados correspondientes que expida, serán títulos propios sin valor oficial, sin embargo, deberá de hacer del conocimiento tal circunstancia a los usuarios, así como también mencionarlo en su documentación y publicidad que utilice, tal como lo establece el artículo 59 de la Ley General de Educación, que para mejor y pronta referencia a continuación se transcribe:
Artículo 59.- Los particulares que presten servicios por los que se impartan estudios sin reconocimiento de validez oficial, deberán mencionarlo en su correspondiente documentación y publicidad.
De igual forma, me permito comunicarle que no hay impedimento legal alguno por parte de las leyes mexicanas para que la Universidad Azteca que nos ocupa, pueda impartir educación de tipo superior en territorio extranjero, sin embargo su operación deberá ajustarse a las leyes del país donde pretenda impartir estudios, (…)
Por otra parte, cabe mencionar que de conformidad con lineamiento 21 del citado Acuerdo, para el caso de intercambios académicos, no se requiere de un trámite de revalidación ante esta autoridad, ya que cuando un programa académico que forma parte del sistema educativo nacional, permita que de manera expresa los estudiantes realicen determinadas actividades de aprendizaje, asignaturas o unidades de aprendizaje en un programa académico distinto, bien de una misma institución educativa o de otras ubicadas en territorio nacional o en el extranjero, siempre y cuando esa circunstancia se encuentre definida en el plan y programas de estudio con Reconocimiento de Validez Oficial de Estudios y así mismo se encuentre prevista en la reglamentación interna de la institución educativa que imparte dicho plan y programas de estudio, quien asentará los resultados de la evaluación correspondiente en los certificados de estudios.
Luis Alberto Navarro Acosta, Subdirector de Control Escolar, SEP
International accreditation
Accreditation is voluntary. It represents an institution’s willingness to abide by the Standards and to open itself regularly to examination by outside evaluators familiar with higher education. As such accreditation is recognized as a symbol of accountability to the public.

Universidad Azteca is an accredited member of CPD Continuous Professional Development. Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service is the largest and leading independent CPD accreditation organisation working across all industry sectors. The CPD Certification Service evaluate further learning activities to the highest standards. Hundreds of thousands of professionals recognise our CPD Certified symbol as the qualitative benchmark that, not only reflects but also sets those standards. The CPD Certification Service supports the Continuing Professional Development policies of institutional and professional bodies on an increasingly international basis.

CONIES-ICHE Board of Accreditation accredited the Universidad Azteca Master and Doctor level international continuous education degree programmes. CONIES-ICHE is a member of INQAAHE & APQN. Universidad Azteca Master and Doctor programmes have been re-accredited by CONIES-ICHE Board of Accreditation in 2022.

Universidad Azteca is member of ODAEE

Universidad Azteca programmes are accredited by DIQMA in 2017.

In 2017 Universidad Azteca programmes were accredited by TRACCERT Training Accreditation Certification Organization Canada. TRACCERT is a member of AAAC Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada and a registered Accreditation and Certification Body with the Government of Canada.

Universidad Azteca European Programmes is an approved member of the European Association for Distance Learning EADL

Universidad Azteca is a Fully-Accredited Member of the International Association for Distance Learning
Institutional accreditation 2013-2017 internationally by ASIC as Premier University. In addition to the status as “Universidad” and national programmes accreditation (RVOE) in Mexico by SEP the Universidad Azteca was accredited by ASIC with Premier Provider status in order to demonstrate the commitment to quality and continuous improvement, whereby, accreditation is holistic- encompassing institutions in their entirety rather than particular courses, programmes or qualifications. 2013-2017
Provision of Programmes in Austria according to the Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education
Universidad Azteca European Programmes provided in Austria were legally registered with the Austrian Quality Assurance Agency AQ Austria 2012-2022 in accordance with the Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
University programmes in austria registered first in 2012 as approved by the austrian ministry of science & research bmwf and since 2015 by the austrian agency for quality assurance and accreditation as compliant with the act on quality assurance in higher education
Legal notice: all registrations in austria by aq austria have expired and are no longer valid because no programmes are offered as provided in austria after expiration of the registration periods.
Mit der Entscheidung über die Meldung der Studien ist keine Feststellung der Gleichwertigkeit mit österreichischen Studien und entsprechenden österreichischen akademischen Graden verbunden. Die Studien und akademischen Grade gelten als solche des Herkunfts- bzw. Sitzstaates der Bildungseinrichtung. Ausländische Bildungseinrichtungen sind verpflichtet, im Rahmen ihrer Marktkommunikation und ihres Außenauftrittes in Österreich auf diesen Umstand in schriftlicher und optisch hervorgehobener Form hinzuweisen.
The new strategic focus of Universidad Azteca is on programmatic accreditation of university own programmes offered internationally:
What is the goal of accreditation?
The goal of accreditation is to ensure that education provided by institutions of higher education meets acceptable levels of quality. Accrediting agencies, which are private educational associations of regional or national scope, develop evaluation criteria and conduct peer evaluations to assess whether or not those criteria are met. Institutions and/or programs that request an agency’s evaluation and that meet an agency’s criteria are then “accredited” by that agency.
Source: http://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/
Accreditation is voluntary. It represents an institution’s willingness to abide by the Standards and to open itself regularly to examination by outside evaluators familiar with higher education. As such accreditation is recognized as a symbol of accountability to the public.
Source: https://cihe.neasc.org/information-public/faqs-about-accreditation