According the Mexican constitution and higher education laws Universidad Azteca de Chalco is authorized to award degrees nationally with RVOE (Reconocimiento de Validez Oficial de Estudios) and internationally own academic degrees of the university (grados propios).
The Mexican Qualifications Framework MQF

The application process is conducted in the following sequences
1) Prospective student asks for application form for a given programme of study.
2) Prospective student fills out the application form in MS Word format and remits the scan of the application form with handwritten signature by email, including the following attachments (we accept only PDF for scans, and JPG for the photo):
1. Application form signed as scan (PDF, black/white)
2. Scans (PDF, b/w, legible!) of all relevant higher education credentials and qualifications (degrees, diplomas, certificates, with all transcripts). If those original credentials are not in English, Spanish or German, pls, provide an English translation.
3. Curriculum vitae, highlighting the academic and professional background. (doc or PDF)
4. Scan of the passport (or ID card) page with personal data and photo. (PDF in colour)
5. Passport style facial photo of applicant (colour, JPG)
NOTICE: Only complete applications will be considered for evaluation.
3) The University conducts an evaluation report and reserves the right to charge the applicant for this service.
4) The University issues the evaluation report and in case of possible admission issues an invoice to the student for the tuitions and fees of the given programme.
5) Student accepts evaluation report and pays the full tuition and fees in order to enrol.
6) Payment of tuitions activates the enrolment of the given student. Once a student is enrolled and discontinues a programme, no tuition payment is refunded.
THESIS: Two hardcopies of a thesis must be shipped to the following mailing address:
Office of the Registrar
Calle Palma No. 61 y calle 3 de Mayo s/n,
Barrio San Antonio, Chalco
Edo. de México C.P. 56600
Tel/Fax: + 52 (55) 3092-2489,
+ 52 (55) 5986-3050
Degree programmes with universidad azteca
Bachelor of the University
Master of the University
Doctor of the University
- By Thesis (in any of the study areas offered by Universidad Azteca)
- By Publications (in any study area offered by Universidad Azteca)
Degree programmes by universidad azteca degree validation, credits transfer, professional certification and individual prior learning assessment
Bachelor of the University (MQF Level 6) in
- Professional Studies (based on validation of professional experience and qualifications)
- Advanced Studies (based on credits transfer validation or degree validation)
- Individual Studies (based on individual prior learning and skills)
- Business Administration (based on management experience)
Master of the University (MQF Level 7) in
- Professional Studies (based on validation of professional experience and qualifications)
- Advanced Studies (based on credits transfer validation or degree validation)
- Individual Studies (based on individual prior learning and skills)
- Business Administration (based on management experience)
Doctor of the University (MQF Level 8) in
- Professional Studies (based on validation of professional experience and qualifications)
- Advanced Studies (based on credits transfer validation or degree validation)
- Individual Studies (based on individual prior learning and skills)
- Environmental Studies
- Business Administration (based on management experience)
- By Prior Output and Achievement
- Doctor of Science
- Doctor of Letters
- Doctor of Competence Studies
Business School
• Business Administration
Degrees offered internationally by Universidad Azteca as grado propio programme
Bachelor of Business Administration
Level 6 Diploma + Universidad Azteca BBA
this degree offers top-up routes to the following university pathways at Master and Doctor level
UK OFQUAL recognised qualifications and Universidad Azteca offer a dual award scheme: Level 7 Diploma + Universidad Azteca MBA Master of Business Administration.
this degree offers top-up routes to the following university pathways at Master and Doctor level
Master of Science in Business Administration BY TOP UP THESIS
available as double degree programme with
Master of Business Administration (MBA) by Collegium Humanum WMU (Poland) (university own postgraduate degree diploma) (dual degree)
UK OFQUAL recognised qualifications and Universidad Azteca offer a dual award scheme: UCO Level 8 Diploma + Universidad Azteca DBA (executive)
this degree offers top-up routes to the following university pathways at Doctor level
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) by Universidad Azteca (grado propio) by top up thesis stand alone or in combination with
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) by Collegium Humanum WMU (Poland) (university own postgraduate degree diploma) (dual degree)
Master and Doctor in Business Administration available as dual degree programmes listed above are available in English or German.
Also available as dual degree programme in combination with Collegium Humanum Warsaw Management University
School of continuous education and lifelong learning
• Coaching and Psychology
Degrees offered internationally by Universidad Azteca as grado propio programme
available as dual degree programme (2 degrees awarded) with
Master of Science in Psychology (MSc) by Universidad Azteca / Master of Science in Psychology (MSc) by Universidad Central de Nicaragua (grado oficial)
Magister in Psychology (mgr) by Collegium Humanum WMU (Poland) (official Master degree) optionally (top-up)
Inter-university dual postgraduate degree combination
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD) by Universidad Azteca (grado propio) stand alone or in combination with
Doctor of Sciece in Psychology (Dr.Sc) by Collegium Humanum WMU (Poland) (university own postgraduate degree diploma) (dual degree)
Master and Doctor in Psychology available as dual degree programmes listed above are available in English or German
SPECIALISATION: Master of Psychology in Addiction Counseling
• Education
Degrees offered internationally by Universidad Azteca as grado propio programme
Master of Education
Doctor of Education in Counseling and Supervision
• Doctorates
Degrees offered internationally by Universidad Azteca as grado propio programme
Doctor of Science (Post Doctorate)
Doctor of Letters (Post Doctorate)
Doctor of Advanced Studies
Doctor of Environmental Studies
Doctor of Individual Studies
Doctor of Professional Studies
• PhD by Thesis – Research Doctorate
Degrees offered internationally by Universidad Azteca as grado propio programme
Doctor of the University by Thesis
• Master of Professional Studies
Degrees offered internationally by Universidad Azteca as grado propio programme
Master of Professional Studies
• Master of Individual Studies
Degrees offered internationally by Universidad Azteca as grado propio programme
Master of Individual Studies
• Master of Advanced Studies
Degrees offered internationally by Universidad Azteca as grado propio programme
Master of Advanced Studies
Study Areas
- Business Administration and Management (MBA, MSc, PhD, DBA)
- Law (LLM, LLD, Dr.)
- Psychology (MSc, PhD)
- Environmental Science and Environmental Management (MSc, PhD)
- Health Sciences (MSc, PhD)
- Social and Political Sciences (PhD)
- Education (M.Ed., Dr.Ed.)
Also available as dual degree programme in combination with Collegium Humanum Warsaw Management University postgraduate qualifications acc. Polish law.
• Assessment of prior learning
Degrees offered internationally as grado propio programmes
Universidad Azteca offers a variety of academic degree opportunities as distance learning or blended learning study programmes and specialisation programmes in the professional studies area.
See also grado propio programmes.
Individual Study Plan
Students pursuing an individual study plan can earn credits from a variety of sources, and Universidad Atzeca will accept all applicable credits earned from other accredited members of CPD Certification Service or CONIES accredited universities.
Students may take courses and earn certificates and diplomas via the study offers of providers offering courses e.g. Metropolitan School of Business and Management (UK) or Alpha Academy (UK) or The Specialist Academy (UK) or Pearson or MSI Management Strategy Institute or Centre of Excellence or Excel with Business or comparable providers accredited by CPD Certification Service or providers offering recognised qualifications, e.g. Ofqual recognised awarding organisations, including Qualifi, OTHM.
Universidad Azteca collaborates with a number of Ofqual recognised centres ensuring the quality of provision in line with the provider and Ofqual recognised awarding organisation standards.