Director of International Programs
Dean Ricardo Saavedra
European & International Branch Campus, Dean Gerhard Berchtold
Dean of European Programmes Prof. Gerhard Berchtold
Recognised nationally by
Listed internationally by
Recognition is mandatory. It represents an institution’s compliance to abide by the legal standards and to subject itself regularly to examination by regulatory authorities in charge of higher education. As such recognition is compulsory as an evidence of accountability to the public.
Universidad Azteca is an accredited member of CPD Certification Service in the UK.
Universidad Azteca European Programmes was registered with the UK Register of Learning Providers
UK Provider Reference Number UKPRN: 10052891
Universidad Azteca is an accredited member of CPD Continuous Professional Development. Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service is the largest and leading independent CPD accreditation organisation working across all industry sectors. The CPD Certification Service evaluate further learning activities to the highest standards. Hundreds of thousands of professionals recognise our CPD Certified symbol as the qualitative benchmark that, not only reflects but also sets those standards. The CPD Certification Service supports the Continuing Professional Development policies of institutional and professional bodies on an increasingly international basis.
Universidad Azteca European Programmes provided in Austria legally registered with the Austrian Quality Assurance Agency AQ Austria 2012-2022
Universidad Azteca European Programmes is an approved member of the European Association for Distance Learning EADL
UNIVERSIDAD AZTECA is a Fully-Accredited Member of the International Association for Distance Learning
Institutional accreditation 2013-2017 internationally by ASIC
Universidad Azteca offers university own programmes to international students acc. to Article 59 of the Mexican General Law on Education.
Universidad Azteca offers fully recognised inter-university degree programmes with autonomous Universidad Central de Nicaragua UCN.
Universidad Azteca offers inter-university university own degree programmes with Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (Spain).
Universidad Azteca offers collaborative provision of programmes with partner universities as international programmes.
Our Spanish partner university
CONIES-ICHE Board of Accreditation accredited the Universidad Azteca Master and Doctor level international continuous education degree programmes. CONIES-ICHE is a member of INQAAHE & AQQN.
Universidad Azteca is member of ODAEE and ECBE
Accreditation is voluntary. It represents an institution’s willingness to abide by the Standards and to open itself regularly to examination by outside evaluators familiar with higher education. As such accreditation is recognized as a symbol of accountability to the public.
Universidad Azteca programmes are accredited by DIQMA in 2017.
In 2017 Universidad Azteca programmes are accredited by TRACCERT Training Accreditation & Certification Organization Canada. TRACCERT is a member of AAAC Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada and a registered Accreditation and Certification Body with the Government of Canada.
Deutsche Studienangebote
Study languages are Spanish, English, German
Rector Magnificus
Dr. Maestro José Agustín López González Pacheco
Partnership of
Universidad Azteca & Universidad Central de Nicaragua UCN
Universidad Azteca Rector Mtro. Dr. Agustín López González Pacheco with UCN Rector MSc Dr. Gilberto Cuadra Solórzano
Copyright 2010 Universidad Azteca European Programmes. All rights reserved.
School of Life-long, Continuous and Professional University Own Degree and Inter-University Programmes.
Director of International Programs
Dean Ricardo Saavedra
European & International Branch Campus, Dean Gerhard Berchtold